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Saturday, October 24, 2009


God is a seeker of Glory for Himself. Mankind is a seeker of glory for himself.

The Lord gives us a truth for this situation through the prophet Isaiah:

A voice says, "Call out." The he answered, "What shall I call out?" All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, When the breath of the LORD blows upon it; Surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, But the Word of our God stands forever. --Isaiah 40:6-8

Jesus Christ confirms this same truth saying, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.

As I sit here and watch Kansas Jayhawk football, I see a coach and team seeking glory, and a name for their program. Those whose faces are painted blue, shirts that say "Rock Chalk Jayhawk," and those noisy cylinders filled with air that you clang together, all attest to the glory being sought. (The fans are doing a good job.) This is such a great picture of Heaven. A similar situation occurs... Jesus Christ, the only worthy One, is seeking this glory. As we get a glimpse into the throne room, the ones who belong to Jesus Christ have His name on their foreheads, as they behold His face. (Revelation 22:4)

There is so much dissatisfaction in being a fan of a team that loses, giving glory and honor to those who are dead or who will die, and obsessing over the things that glitter in this world. (This statement is supposed to cover every team in the world, every person in the world, and every material possession) Amen. This is the way it should be. We are made to give glory to something. Praise God. However, if we are glorying in anything more than Jesus, or setting our gaze upon that which fades, God calls this Idolatry. It's something that comes so easily to us. We are all great worshipers. The Lord strongly forbids such Idolatry if it is not fixed towards Him. The Lord is the only one worthy to seek such Glory. He is not Dead. He does not Fade. He does not Glitter... He is Light. He is Alive. He is Glorious. He is.

Why does the Lord refer to us as grass? We are. We are here today, gone tomorrow. We die. We rot. Our glory doesn't last. Amen.

Fall is such an awesome time to see glory fading. To see things dying. To see things how they are... here today and gone tomorrow.

Thought for today: "Bless the Lord, let all that's in me, bless the Lord. May kingdoms fall, and rulers crawl, before Your Throne."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Wedding Day

The Parable of the Ten Virgins, as told by Jesus, in Matthew 25, is what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. 5 were ready and prepared to be Married to the Bridegroom, the other 5 were foolish, not prepared, and begging to use materials necessary for going to meet the Bridegroom upon His return.

Jesus is saying in this hour, to be ready for His return.

I find it increasingly painful, heinous, and all the more regular, that Covenants are destroyed, broken, and shattered every single-day. This covenant I am speaking of is Marriage. Why is this? I can not answer for every-one. Nor is my purpose to answer that question. However, I can tell you about Jesus Christ, what He desires, and how to remain in Him, so that we will be fully equipped to remain with each other. Amen.

The United States, in the last 50 years, has gone through a massive make-over, making us even more original, and standing out from all other countries and cultures. One area which we seem to fail quite regularly in, is Marriage. It is said that 50% of first marriages, 67% of second marriages, and 74% of third marriages, end in Divorce. This breaks my heart. This breaks Jesus' heart more than we can ever imagine.

In Luke 1, we are told of Zacharias, a priest, and his wife named Elizabeth. We know them as the parents of John, the baptizer. Zacharias and Elizabeth were both righteous in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord. This is more than likely the reason why they were married in the first place. Zacharias was a priest. Elizabeth was a house-wife; not like the American television show. Zach was a simple minister before the Lord. He didn't run a business, wasn't an all-star athlete, and didn't really wear trendy clothes, considering the priestly garments he wore described in the book of Exodus. This couple was married for the sole purpose of serving God together, creating offspring to do the same, and enjoying one another. However, for most of their lives, this couple couldn't bear children. If you read on in the first chapter of Luke, you will find how the Lord brought about John being born to this God-fearing, God-worshiping couple.

If we were to understand what Marriage was designed for, by God and for God, (Col. 1:16) I believe this Covenant would be upheld, the stats in America for the Divorce rate would decrease, and God would be glorified. When guys ask the "big question," and girls, in shock, and in awe, say, "yes," do they really know what that means? The statistics show otherwise.

Jesus asks us a similar question, but it bears much more weight than a human to human relationship. He asks us to Marry Him. He asks us to submit to His authority, to be in Love with Him, to Love Everyone, and to share with those around us, the Great Romance we are in; inviting them to the Wedding, and ultimately to the same Bridegroom and Love relationship. Jesus asked me to Marry Him, July 9th, 2002. It involved me dying to serving my self and my flesh, and into serving Jesus and His people. Likewise, Marriage, no matter who it is with, must involve dying to our selves, and serving one another. Sadly this hardly happens. What is more, this often does not happen when we say, "YES" to Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom, and Satisfier.

What now? Jesus is my future Husband. I am His Bride. I am waiting for Our Wedding Day. Same with millions of my brothers and sisters. We are all "engaged" to Jesus, awaiting His return to His Bride. He has told us to be prepared and ready. We are not supposed to be like the foolish virgins, but as the wise. What does this mean for us? Here is a start but not limited to, nor is this a to-do list or something we must submit to as Pharisees:

1. Worship God (Matthew 22:37-40)
a. Love Jesus Christ
b. Love His People (everyone on Earth) the same
2. Serve Jesus Christ
a. Deny the Sinful Flesh (Luke 9:23)
b. Obey the Spirit (Galatians 5)
3. Serve Others
a. Consider the interest of others (Philippians 2:4)
b. Die to ourselves, plans, and own desires in direct contrast to those we are serving (Galatians 5:13-14)
4. Wait for Jesus' return (Luke 12:35-48)
a. Watching for signs of His coming (Luke 21:28)
b. Purifying our selves from all unrighteousness (1 John. 1:9)

Marriage is God's idea, design, and plan. Ultimately, Marriage gives us a little glimpse and taste of the Marriage between Christ and His Church, (the Bride). It is also to fill the earth with God-fearing offspring. Multiply and subdue, is a command of God's.

The way Jesus loves us, is how we should love our Spouse. (Ephesians 5:22-33) The way Jesus serves us, is how we should serve one another. If we lived in such a way, Marriage would be Marriage. (A lifelong, Covenant) Divorce would not exist. (A breaking of that Covenant)

Thought for Today: I am my Lover's and He is mine.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


God is absolutely one of a kind. God has no analogies. God defines us, we can't define Him; He alone is incomparable. Matt Gilman says it best, "There is only one word that comes to mind, there is only one word to describe; Holy."

I have struggled recently with wanting to write blog posts, preach sermons, or share thoughts with friends on topics directly related to the Lord, but not necessarily amplifying His name Hugely, above all else! What else is more due His name than saying He alone is Holy!? Why in the world would I want to talk about anything else? When we gaze into the throne room from scripture, we see God-worship occurring. Holy! Holy! Holy! is a common posture of the heart towards the Lord. We don't see people discussing how to make much of their life in Heaven; how to be more joyful, loving, peaceable, and righteous. We see constant Facedown worship. I am not saying the former is wrong to talk about at all, however, couldn't we conclude if we wake up to the Holiness of God, all the "lesser" things would in turn stem from that posture of the heart automatically? The fruits of the Spirit as laid in Galatians 5, are God's exact heart and personality manifested in us! It's as if we enjoy talking about the gifts, rather than the Giver. Focusing on the Bride, rather than the Bridegroom.
All I want is to make Jesus known. I want to love Jesus more! I want to gaze upon His beauty constantly. (Psalm 27:4)

Jesus may we be awestruck, shut-up, and Facedown before you!

Isaiah 40
1 Sam. 2:2
Ezekiel 1
Isaiah 6
Revelation 4

God is a God worshiper.
Isaiah 42:8

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


_romans 15:20
...It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation...

This person's life was dominated by ambition. His name was once "Saul." Now known as Paul, when he met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus in Acts 9, we can conclude he immediately had a burning passion for those who had not yet accepted God's wrath against Sin poured out on Jesus Christ. (John 3:36) We know this because shortly after his conversion, and receiving his sight back, he spent several days with the disciples in Damascus, and at once began preaching in the synagogues; "Jesus Christ is the Son of God!" 

Oh to have passion. Oh to to have vision. Oh to have this ambition! The text does not say, "It was, or will be for sometime, or lasted for a great season," regarding his ambition and calling... Verse 15 says "ALWAYS," at all times, and all occasions. 

Matthew 22:37-40 is a good place to land. Jesus' commands are simple, not burdensome. (1 John 5:3) This command to LOVE Him above all, is what you and I are made for. To love each other, and every Human being is just as important. That is a call from the Lord we are commanded to obey! 

Often times I wake up with a lack of purpose. I drift from day to day trying to get assignments done, and making sure I check off all the "godly" things I do for the Lord whether or not I do them out of Love or a lack thereof. There is no coherent driving vision of my future when I only make a "checklist." 

Did you spend time with the Lord today? Yes. 
Did you fast today? No. 
Did you share the Love of God with someone today? No. 
Did you try and not sin today? Yes. 

What in the world am I thinking!? Because of my "checklist" lifestyle, I am left drained, and Pharisaical. What does Jesus want of me? Luke 9:23 says it best, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me." 

If all the Lord gets from me is a report card every day, then all I can expect from Jesus is a new exam to study for. 

May we have an AMBITION and not an OCCASION. Our aim must be Jesus. Our passion must be the Lord and His people. Our goal must be telling everyone about the Sin Jesus is wanting to take from those who are in bondage. Our words must boast in the Lord and in our weaknesses so that we can say as Paul says in Romans 15, "I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done..." 

Paul's vision and ambition caused him to long to visit Spain to declare the Glory of God. We know he never made it there. However he did plan to go. (Romans 15:24) 
I want to wake up each morning with a plan, and vision straight from the throne of God! May we ask the Lord for this! 

Thought for today: When the Lord opens up the Scriptures to us, our hearts will burn within us. Luke 24:32.